Access Bars® Class

Access Bars® Class



Access Bars Class- Pittsburgh

November 3

Link to November 3

10am- 5pm

Call for details: Kristi at 412-716-2191

Join me for a transformative Access Bars class at my home on November 3. Check-in begins at 9:30 AM, and we’ll start promptly at 10:00 AM. Throughout the day, you’ll receive two Access Bars sessions and have the chance to gift two sessions as well. Along with hands-on learning, you’ll receive a manual to support your continued practice. We’ll break for lunch, so please bring a light dish to share, and snacks will be provided throughout the day. We plan to wrap up by 5:00 PM. Additionally, there will be two short, required videos to watch from the founders of Access Consciousness. It’s going to be a wonderful day filled with relaxation, fun, and meaningful connections in a warm, supportive environment!

Please register for the class at this link: Access Bars Class Registration. If you do not already have an account with Access Consciousness, please create one to complete your registration.


There’s a peace and relaxation possible for everyone in the world, and in receiving a simple process for bodies, called Access Bars, it can occur with total ease.

By learning or receiving the Access Bars® technique, you can give yourself and your clients, friends, family, and co-workers the care, kindness, and nurturing you require with total ease.

  • Snacks and drinks will be provide please bring a lite lunch
  • You will gift and receive two bars session, see Bars instructional video, leave with a manual and head chart— and HAVE FUN!
  • Cost:  $220 if repeating a bars class or 16-18 years of age; $440 for the first time

111 Villa Dr. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15214

Access Bars Class on November 3 – 10am to 5pm

email Kristi at

To register:


Link to Register and will need to create an Access Consciousness account:

Access Bars Class Registration

email Kristi at

An Access Bars® session is an energy process that touches 32 points on the head which releases energy blocks and allows for more space and possibilities in our life. You simply lie on a massage table during the process, let the energy flow and dissolve the limitations that hold you back. During the session, you may feel some heat and tingling sensation when the energy is flowing. After the session, you may feel lighter and your mind may be more peaceful and spacious.

For Questions: email Kristi at

Contact: Kristi at 412-716-2191 or



Have you ever wished or asked for something to change in your life? A relationship, a health issue, your money flows? Yet, no matter how hard you tried, you didn’t see the change you somehow knew was possible? Well, what if 8 hours could change your whole life? What if creating new possibilities and happiness was easy once you had the right toolbox to change things?

I’ll be facilitating soon on something called Access Bars. What is Access Bars? ‘The Bars’ is a touch point therapy that quiets the mind, brings us back into balance and creates ease, peace and a sense of well-being like a massage or meditation, except so much more.

What’s class like?

​A ton of tools. Choose what works for you. Receive 2 sessions of Bars®. Gift 2 sessions of Bars®. Get a manual full of questions, techniques and a whole new toolbox of change. Breathe. Relax. Get Clarity. Be empowered to change anything!

What are the benefits of having your Bars ‘run’?

  • FUN, PEACE, JOY & EASE in every aspect of your life
  • People or situations that once ‘drove ya nuts’ no longer bother you or cause problems
  • Release stress, anxiety, and depression
  • An easier time for kids & adults in social, academic and emotional situations

In this class, you will learn:

  • Tools and techniques to create change in whatever area of your life you are looking to create change and more.
  • How to ‘run’ bars on others; you will receive two Bars® sessions AND gift two Bars® sessions.
  • After you complete the class, you will be qualified to gift Access Bars® to others which may include your family, friends as well as paying clients.
  • What is it you’ve always known should be possible but have never been able to find?

Let’s explore what else is truly possible!

Cost: $440 – $220 (if repeating or ages 16 to 18)




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